Who we are

We are a group of Healthcare Professionals with the aim to lead to safe maternal care, resuscitation, and perioperative care in hospitals in low resources settings through Public Private Partnership, Continuous Medical Education (CME), and patient safety initiatives.


Initiative for Medical Equity and Global Health (IMEGH) was officially founded on 27th  November 2019 as a solution to address gaps in quality of care identified  after the implementation of the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist project at Masaka District Hospital in Rwanda.


After that project, even if the compliance to Essential Birth Practices (EBP) improved, our team realized that improving safety of maternal and neonatal care is more complex. We decided to build the required expertise, experience, network, and partnerships in order to succeed.    

Mission & Vision

Our Vision

A world where every person has access to safe maternal, resuscitation, and perioperative care.


Our Mission

IMEGH supports hospitals in low resources settings to improve the quality of maternal care, resuscitation, and perioperative care.

Our values

Equitable partnership

Through true partnership and collaboration, we can end preventable perioperative deaths in hospitals in low resources settings.


We use implementation science strategies to ensure that our programs are achieving desired results.

Evidence-based care

We validated current evidence to the local context and support ownership by local experts.


We use technology and innovation to make our projects cost-effective and affordable in the long-term.

Our Team

Eugene Tuyishime, MD, MMed, MSc

Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board

Claudine Nyiramuhire, RN, Midwife

Co-Founder and Board Member

Alain Irakoze, MD, MMed

Co-Founder and Board Member

Seneza Celestin, MD, MMed

Co-Founder and Board Member

Raban Dusabimana, MD

        Co-Founder and Board Member 

Our strategy & Activities

Our strategy
  • To build PPP to find synergic and cost-effective solutions applicable for hospitals in low resources settings.
  • To support healthcare providers in low resources settings to develop and maintain competency (knowledge, skills, attitude, and behavior) required to provide high quality of care.
  • To support Governments, Non-profit Organizations, Professional bodies, Universities, and health facilities in developing context appropriate quality improvement and CME activities initiatives.

 Our activities


  1. Capacity building: CME courses in the areas of maternal health, anesthesia, perioperative medicine, resuscitation, medical education and simulation, quality improvement, research, leadership and management, and global health.
  2. Quality improvement: Quality improvement initiatives in the areas of maternal health, anesthesia, perioperative medicine, and resuscitation.
  3. Scientific advocacy: We advocate for investment in human resources development and equipment and supplies for safe surgery, anesthesia, and obstetric care.
  4. Training educators and leaders: Training quality improvement, global health, perioperative medicine, medical education leaders
  5. Public Private Partnership (PPP): Organizing equitable partnerships between experts from low- and high-income countries
  6. Data driven decision making: Build research and data driven decision making capacity in in district hospitals in low resources settings.

Support our efforts